My Job Manager - Job Management Software
Bespoke management system so your business can manage and monitor its jobs, projects and general workload.
Features can include:
Job Manager: Create and assign jobs Date, location and work required, View job status, Search facility, Dashboard alerts for outstanding jobs not completed
Calendar: View workload, Move and reassign jobs, Filtered and colour coded for job status, team members and vehicle alerts
Contractor/Installer Profiles: General Information (name, address, phone, national insurance etc), Document storage (driving licence, IPATH, CSCS), Dashboard alerts for licence expiries Privacy Policy
Vehicle Management: Vehicle information, (Vehicle type, Reg No, MOT, Tax, Service intervals), Dashboard alerts for renewal / expiry dates, Colour coded on calendar
What our customers say…
“Michael & Lincoln from the start of our job manager project have been brilliant. They’ve listened to every need and requirement.
The job manager has helped us massively in automating a lot of the before manual parts of our business. Freeing up valuable time to expand our business and focus on delivering a better customer experience.
The Web Guys also created and developed our website with great results and attention to detail on how we wanted it to look and ease of accessibility and navigation.”
Kris Mathews – FlatPack IT UK
Our new job manager system has vastly improved the way we schedule our work, we have finally moved away from trying to keep track of endless pieces of paper with badly scrawled addresses and contact information, to a system that is clear and easy to use.
There was a constant line of contact between ourselves and the Webguys throughout the project, so it was easy to add/remove and alter different aspects of the system. Michael and his team were not only extremely helpful in developing the system, but also accommodating to any changes that we wanted to make to ensure it worked the way we needed it to.
Mark Bebbington – Bebbington Brick Services